Endometrial Cancer & Endometriosis
Obstetrics and gynecology specialists diagnose and treat endometrial cancer and endometriosis. The endometrium is the lining or the walls of the uterus. What is endometriosis? When the endometrium starts to grow outside of the uterus it binds surfaces together and can cause dysmenorrhoea (strong menstrual pain). The surgical removal of the uterus is often the cure of choice. Endometrial cancer and endometriosis is diagnosed similarly with a description of your symptoms that may include pelvic pain, bleeding between periods, bleeding after menopause, or pain during sexual intercourse. Diagnostic procedures include a pelvic examination, a thin flexible scope (hysteroscope) that allows the gynecologist to visualize the cervix and uterus (hysteroscopy), removal of small pieces of tissue from the uterus (uterine biopsies), and a transvaginal ultrasound study.

Obstetrics and gynecology specialists perform surgery to treat endometrial cancer and extensive endometriosis. The surgery that is to be performed has two names. One name is given by the organs that need to be removed. The second name is by the method used to remove the organs. According to where the cancer is found will determine what organs need to be removed. When just the uterus is removed it is called a partial hysterectomy. When the uterus and the cervix are removed it is called a total hysterectomy. When the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes and ovaries are removed it is called a total hysterectomy with salpingo-oopherectomy. When the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and lymph nodes are removed it is called a total hysterectomy with salpingo-oopherectomy and lymphadenectomy.

When the gynecologic surgeon performs the surgery manually (with their hands) and creates an incision 4 to 6 inches across the abdomen (bikini line) it is called an open hysterectomy or abdominal hysterectomy. A hysterectomy can be performed as a vaginal surgery by removing the cervix and uterus through the vagina, which makes for a shorter hospital stay, and a quicker recovery period. This is called a vaginal hysterectomy.

A hysterectomy can also be performed through several tiny slits in the abdomen (stomach area) using laparoscopic instruments with the surgeon viewing a monitor as they operate. This is called a laparoscopic hysterectomy. This method also reduces bleeding, and recovery time. When the laparoscopic instruments are placed into a da Vinci robot (What is robotic surgery) the surgeon can manipulate the instruments with micro- Save fine movements that also removes the natural shaking of the surgeons hands and allows the surgeon to see the surgical area in a magnified 3 dimensional view. This is called a robotic hysterectomy.

Dr. Simon Weiss, founder of Specialty in Obstetrics and Gynecology has compiled a team of the best obstetricians, and the best gynecologists from around the world.
Dr. Helen Spalding, Dr. Simon Weiss
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